- Peter Benchley, author of Jaws, and a man who knew a thing or two about oceans, once said: "If we kill everything in the ocean, and if we pollute the ocean to a point where it can't sustain life, we're committing suicide." Perhaps the most important aspect of Benchley's warning is his use of the word "we." Human decisions have led us to where we are now and new human decisions are needed to forge a new, more logical and compassionate path. After all, the health of the ocean reflects the health of the planet.
Ocean Conservancy
For over 37 years, Ocean Conservancy has helped set the national conservation agenda for the ocean. Their mission is to promote healthy and diverse ocean ecosystems and oppose practices that threaten ocean life and human wellbeing. Through research, education and science-based advocacy, they seek to inform, inspire and empower people to speak and act on behalf of the ocean. See Ocean Conservancy's mission.
Natural Resources Defense Council
The Natural Resources Defense Council holds itself to one goal, but that goal is monolithic: safeguard the Earth. The organization works to ensure that the planet's human inhabitants, plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends is protected. Watch NRDC in action.
The Nature Conservancy
The Nature Conservancy is the leading conservation organization working around the world to protect ecologically important lands and waters for nature and people. See more from Nature Conservancy.
The Surfrider Foundation
The Surfrider Foundation is a non-profit grassroots organization dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of our world’s oceans, waves and beaches. Founded in 1984 by a handful of visionary surfers in Malibu, CA, the Surfrider Foundation now maintains over 50,000 members and 90 chapters worldwide. Catch the Surfrider video wave.
Oceana is the largest international non-profit dedicated solely to protecting and restoring our oceans. At a time when the Gulf of Mexico is facing an unprecedented crisis and the perils facing the world’s oceans have never been more pronounced, we want specific and concrete policy changes to protect sea life and important marine habitats. Sign the petitiondon't miss more from Oceana. to stop offshore drilling, and
What's Lurking In Our Watersheds? Fight To Keep Them Clean
Blue August is a month to celebrate, value and promote conservation of our waters in all their forms, and one of the primary places we can help is in our own local watershed. It’s important to be aware of the water quality in your watershed so you can keep the land around your home free of pollution.
Swimming with Dolphins: Green or Not?
Swim with the Dolphins (SWTD) programs at resorts and get-aways seems like so much fun, right? ut there's a few big problems with these programs that take the green shine right off the activity. If you're thinking of adding swimming with dolphins to your vacation itinerary, check out why you may want to reconsider the idea.
A Guide to Water Quality at Vacation Beaches
Just released today is the National Resources Defense Council's Testing The Waters 2009 report. It's a great guide for knowing which beaches are safe, and which need our help to get cleaned up.
Top 5 Tips for Staying Green at the Beach
As part of Blue August, Planet Green'sBan the Bags, Butts, and Bottles works to keep litter away from our oceans and waterways, so that we can enjoy beaches for years to come. Below are 5 tips to follow to help you protect the beach you love most when you come for a visit.
Stop the Pacific Trash Vortex Phenomenon
G Word Correspondent Summer Rayne Oakes visits with Captain Charles Moore of the Oceanic Research Vessel the Alguita. Moore and his crew research study trash collecting in the Pacific Vortex. They concentrate on the sources of the trash, how it migrates hundreds of miles to the vortex, and how it affects the environment.
Why I'm Writing Obama a Letter About His New Ocean Policy
Our first World Ocean's Day on June 8 came and went so quickly that it was just over the weekend when I remember thinking to myself; I wonder if anyone actually gives a damn? That was until yesterday...
Adopt a Watershed
Adoption is almost synonymous with magnanimity. Taking in a child and raising it as your own is oft heralded as a selfless and noble act. Children aren't the only thing that you can adopt. You can adopt and highways. And now, you can adopt a watershed.
What's Your Volunteer Type?
What is Your Volunteering Personality? Take our green volunteering quiz to find out.
A Young Muslim Diver's Passion for the Sea (Video)
The subject of Green Blue Sea, Hanny Selbak, started scuba-diving around the age of 14 after watching a film on a waste dump in the Pacific Ocean that was killing sea life and deciding that he wanted to "see some of that before it's all completely gone." Inspired by both his environmental convictions and his Muslim beliefs, Hanny is passionate about his underwater experiences.
How to Go Green: Volunteerism
More than half of American adults - and lots of kids, too - volunteer for various causes. Here's how to make the most of your green volunteering.
Save the Manatees or Let Them Go Extinct? It's Our Choice
The manatee is an aquatic mammal - three species of which are found in both North and South America along with western Africa. Often called "sea cow," a manatee can weigh up to 1,500 pounds and grow to 10 feet long. The manatee has no known predators other than humans but—as you can imagine—that's more than enough. Habitat destruction, water pollution, and hunting have put all three manatee species in danger of extinction.
Save the Ganges River Dolphins, Get Involved Today!
Fresh water dolphins in the Ganges River are in dire straits according to a recent study by the IUCN Sir Peter Scott Fund project.This dolphin is among the four freshwater dolphins found in the world - the other three are the baiji found in the Yangtze river in China, the bhulan of the Indus in Pakistan and the botto of...
Volunteering with Ocean Conservancy is Perfect for Lovers of the Sea
It's easy to forget that the ocean provides us with much of the food we eat and the air we breathe, and that ocean wildlife and habitats are facing extinction. Luckily, we have Planet Green's non-profit partner The Ocean Conservancy on the scene to help us.
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- Norman
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